Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Go-To-Market Expansion Readiness Index (G.E.R.I.)

Market, Product and Business expansion (single country, regional or global) assessment.
Transforming a company into a global player is not only the ultimate opportunity to grow, but also a considerable challenge.
Maybe you’re considering an expansion across a border. Maybe you’ve already decided to go global. In almost all cases, you need a great deal of preparation and homework – including research; strategy formulation and adaptation; go-to-market planning; distribution, marketing, customer service, and IT plans; internal cultural and business process adoption; and strong business-case development, to name just a few. Find out where you are stand.

This exclusive, brief, and free online assessment (15 questions) will provide you with rapid feedback on your company’s go-to-market readiness. The Go-To-Market Expansion Readiness Index (G.E.R.I.) can serve as a quick checklist of the essential requirements for your global expansion design, development, and execution processes Please follow this link GERI Assessment to take advantage of this unique opportunity. 

P.S. SevenGlobe specializes in expanding businesses internationally, saving valuable time and money, avoiding costly mistakes, and increasing sales.